The test checks for antibodies to HIV. Antibodies are proteins the body makes to fight off an infection. The kit contains a test stick you use to swab your upper and lower gums to collect an oral fluid sample from your mouth. The stick is then placed in a tube with a testing solution
The test checks for antibodies to HIV. Antibodies are proteins the body makes to fight off an infection.
What type of HIV test is BioSure?
The BioSure HIV Self Test, designed to be used by untrained users at home was granted a CE mark yesterday, making it the first HIV home test which can be legally sold in the United Kingdom. The test is simple to perform and tests for the presence of HIV antibodies in a drop of blood.
Can you trust BioSURE?
How accurate are home tests? The BioSURE HIV Self Test is the global first approved test to use blood, with a proven accuracy of over 99.7%, and is “comparable to any rapid test used in a clinical environment such as a sexual health clinic”.